Learn to Earn from Writing Non-Fiction

Non-fiction writing is by far the best place to start your writing career if earning some money is your priority, as it provides the largest potential market for your work. Plus, you can draw upon your existing knowledge and experience for material to write about. Our specialist Non-fiction Writing course – with personal tuition – teaches you everything you need to know to get published. This course is ideal for beginners, and you can earn while you learn. It also comes on a 15-day trial to make sure it is right for you.

Enrolling Is Easy

  • Request A Free Prospectus

    Request your prospectus which has full details of your course and how it works. This will be sent to you by email and you can download it as soon as you have completed the form.

  • Ask Your Questions

    If you have any questions, after reading the course prospectus, please call us on 0161 819 9922 (during office hours) or email our student advisors.

  • Enrol When You're Ready

    You can enrol on this course as soon as you are ready to do so. Simply scroll to the bottom of this page to select your enrolment plan. Your course materials will be available immediately after your payment has been accepted.

See What Our Students Say

Sarah Warburton

"Aside from health writing, my other passion is travel writing. Seeing my first full length, paid article in print together with photographs that I took was truly an experience I won't forget. My total earnings throughout my course were £752 (cash and prizes).

"Completing the Non-Fiction Writing Course has been life changing for me. Writing has not only allowed me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience of living with chronic pain, it has also given me a greater life purpose. Receiving reader feedback on my blog or magazine articles to say that my content has resonated with or helped in some way is so rewarding and makes the hours of writing, which I love anyway, even more worth it."

We give you:

  • A first-class course on Non-Fiction Writing from professional writers.

  • Caring, constructive help from expert tutors - all published writers.

  • Help and advice when you need it from our experienced Student Advisory Team.

  • A flexible study programme to suit you with two years in which to complete your course.

  • Ten tutor-marked writing assignments.

  • Assignments where you will be writing material that can be submitted for publication.

  • Specialist advice on how to sell your writing.

  • Online access to your course as soon as you enrol.

  • 15 days to inspect your course and to make sure it's the right training for you.

Course Synopsis

    1. Welcome

    2. Introduction

    3. Your Study Path

    4. Sending Your Assignments

    5. WB's Writers' Community

    6. Discounted Writing Magazine Subscription For WB Students

    7. Totum Student Discount Card – UK Students Only

    8. Terms of Enrolment If You Enrolled Before 1st June 2022

    9. Terms of Enrolment If You Enrolled After 1st June 2022

    10. Terms of Enrolment If You Enrolled After 1st Janaury 2024

    1. Module 1 Introduction

    1. Module 2 Making a Writers Out of You

    2. Assignment One

    3. Personal Profile Questionnaire

    4. Market Research Questionnaire

    1. Module 3 Reader's Letters and Fillers

    2. Assignment Two

    1. Module 4 Generating Ideas for Articles

    1. Module 5 Market Analysis

About this course

  • £419.00
  • 10 tutor-marked assignments
  • 14 information-packed modules

Skills & Equipment Needed To Take A Course

  • Ideal For Beginners

    No qualifications or previous experience needed.

  • Computer

    You'll need access to a laptop or computer with word processing facilities and internet connection.

  • Typing

    You don’t need to be able to touch type; plenty of people get along fine with just two fingers.

  • Use Email & Attach Files

    Your assignments are sent to your tutor by email so you'll need to be able to send and receive emails and attach files to them.

Enrolment Options For The Non-Fiction Writing Course

Enrol on Plan A to receive a £20 Amazon voucher (this will be sent to you by email once your 15-day trial period has finished).

Plans B and C: payments will be automatically charged to your card each month until the end of your chosen plan.

  • £419.00

    Plan A: Includes a £20 Amazon Voucher sent to you when your trial period has finished.

    Enrol Now
  • 5 x 83.80 = £419

    Plan B: 5 x £83.80

    Enrol Now
  • 10 x £41.90 = £419

    Plan C: 10 x £41.90

    Enrol Now