Review and Appraisal Services

Have your writing assessed by one or our expert tutors and receive guidance on how to make the most of your writing.

If you would like a piece of your writing reviewed by one of our experienced, professional tutors, we can do this for you. We will review:

  • short stories
  • articles
  • radio and TV scripts
  • stage plays
  • all fiction and non-fiction books, including outlines and synopses
  • poetry
  • blogs


If you'd like to discuss your requirements you can either email: [email protected] or call 0161 819 9922.

The review will include comments on style, content, suitability for the chosen market and any other aspect considered appropriate. You will receive a thorough, straightforward and honest opinion from an experienced tutor – just like you would as one of our students.


Find Out If You Can Write Taster Review - £25 - receive a professional opinion on any piece of prose up to 2000 words, or any number of poems up to 60 lines in total, for only £25.

You can send in: articles, short stories, blogs or poems.

If you want comment on suitability for a chosen market, simply say which publication you have written for.

Click here to buy now

Scripts (TV, Film or Theatre) £165 for up to 120 pages and then £6.00 for every additional four pages. 

Blogs - £50 for three blog posts up to 1,000 words in total plus an overview of  your blog online - remember to include a link to your blog when you  send your posts. 

Children’s Picture Books - £50 up to 1,000 words.      

General report on a novel or non-fiction book £240 up to 50,000 words and then £8 for each additional 2,000 words. Over 100,000 words contact us for a quote. 

Short Stories -  £50 for up to 4,000 words and then  £6 for each additional 1,000 words up to 8,000.  

Poems -  £50 for up to 120 lines and then £3.00 per 10 lines above this.   

Book Proposal (fiction or non-fiction) package - Synopsis and first 15,000 words - £200. 

Children’s non-picture books (fiction or non-fiction) - £50 for the first 4,000 words and then £6 for each additional 1,000 words. 

Important:  If you require any further information or advice please contact us on [email protected] or phone us on 0161 819 9922.

Meet The WB Tutors Who Will Do Your Appraisal Here