Make Money From Non-Fiction Writing

Two-session online workshop, 1 - 1.5 hours per session, live teaching, via Zoom.

The length of the sessions varies depending on the session topic and the questions and discussions that arise. Sessions will be a minimum of one hour.

Only ten places available on this workshop.

Starting Tuesday 6th February at 7.00PM for two weeks ending 13th February 2024

Times shown: Greenwich Mean Time

If you are interested in future dates for this workshop please email: [email protected]

Workshop fee: £49.99

(meeting invite will be sent out a couple of days prior to the workshop)
  • Learn the quickest ways in to print

  • Find out what you should write to earn some money

  • Notes emailed to you after each session

  • A maximum of ten people

Workshop Outline

Week 1: Readers’ Letters and Fillers Did you know you can earn around £200 pounds a month from readers’ letters? Whilst you can’t live off the proceeds of readers’ letters alone, you can earn between £25 - £50 a letter. It’s easy to get into the habit of writing a handful a week as they’re only very short (often less than 100 words). Write them well and you’ll find yourself with a high success rate and cheques coming in. Following on from readers’ letters, are fillers. Filler pieces are fun, easy to write, often only a few paragraphs in length and there are a lot of publications crying out for them. In this first session, we take a look at both, what they entail, who publishes them, how to write them, together with lots of advice and tips.

Week 2: Articles Once you’ve written a few readers’ letters and fillers, you should feel ready to move on to writing articles. And the good news is, newspapers and magazines are full of articles meaning there are lots of opportunities for you to get your articles published. The second session covers subjects you can write about, how to structure an article, with a beginning, middle and end, as well as how to set it out ready to send off. In some instances, you need to pitch your idea to an editor first rather than sending in the full article. All the ins and outs of writing a pitch are included in this session.

This workshop is run by Budding Writers in partnership with The Writers Bureau.

Workshop Leader

Esther Chilton

Esther has a social science degree specialising in psychology and sociology. Writing was always a passion and since joining The Writers Bureau as a student many years ago, Esther hasn’t looked back. She now writes and tutors full-time. Esther has written for numerous writing magazines and had articles published in a broad range of publications including Prima, Your Cat, Lifeinfo and Collect It! to name a few. She has many short story competition wins to her credit and has also enjoyed judging competitions including Writer’s Forum’s monthly competition. Her fiction stories have appeared in The People’s Friend, My Weekly, Your Cat and Independent Newspapers, as well as teenage and children’s publications.

By taking part in this workshop you will:

  • meet other writers

  • have time to ask questions as there are only ten participants per group

  • learn how to come up with great ideas for letters, fillers and articles

  • develop an understanding of how to structure and article

  • learn how to find paying markets

  • be shown how to make a pitch your ideas to an editor

  • gain increased self-confidence to take your writing forward on your own.

Starting Tuesday 6th February at 7.00PM for two weeks ending 13th February 2024

Workshop fee: £49.99